Overheating risk

Overheating risk

A few months ago Inside Housing magazine asked us to comment on overheating risk. Here’s what we wrote: As if Covid-19 isn’t enough, summer is fast approaching and extreme weather events are high on national and international risk registers.  Met Office central...
Social landlords and SECR

Social landlords and SECR

From the beginning of the financial year 2019/20, the Companies (Directors’ Report) and Limited Liability Partnerships (Energy and Carbon Report) Regulations 2018 applies. This new legislation extends the carbon reporting obligations from quoted companies to also...
Climate change and our long-term wellbeing

Climate change and our long-term wellbeing

This article was originally written for National Housing Federation to promote their board excellence conference: The latest UK statistics show that we emit over 350 million tonnes CO2 per year.  That’s a very big number, but what does it mean? To relay the importance...
Green spaces and biodiversity offsetting

Green spaces and biodiversity offsetting

Green spaces are hugely important to people.  As well as providing a place of recreation, they also provide a degree of flood attenuation, summer cooling, air cleansing, biodiversity and carbon sequestration.  All these benefits are increased when the amount of...
Net zero carbon road map for Two Rivers Housing Group

Net zero carbon road map for Two Rivers Housing Group

Over 280 local and major councils have declared a climate emergency in 2019 alone and many housing associations are looking to identify what they can do to ensure they are responding positively to council ambitions for carbon reduction. With the Forest of Dean...
Sustainability and Value For Money

Sustainability and Value For Money

At our recent SHIFT event entitled, “Sustainability and Value For Money”, we heard from specialist speakers who highlighted the financial benefits to social landlords from pursuing environmental strategies. Representatives from 18 housing associations managing over...
How we went around the world and saved 6 tonnes of carbon

How we went around the world and saved 6 tonnes of carbon

For various reasons, including our carbon footprint, we decided on a staycation this year.  The accommodation was our own home and no long car journeys or plane rides were involved.  We “visited” 5 countries, had a couple of ‘resort days’, (i.e. chill out and mooch...
Funding for heat pump monitoring

Funding for heat pump monitoring

Suss Housing has received this message from PassivSystems. Please note, this is not necessarily an endorsement from Suss Housing, we are merely highlighting a funding opportunity. PassivSystems are delighted to announce the launch of their new heat pump monitoring...
New environmental reporting legislation 2019

New environmental reporting legislation 2019

Some social landlords are finding that they have to comply with new environmental reporting regulations under Government’s new policy of Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR). Although not all landlords are captured this could be viewed as the thin-end of the...