Net Zero Carbon Roadmaps

Net Zero Carbon Roadmaps

 In June 2019, the UK Government made a legal commitment that the UK’s net emissions of greenhouse gases in 2050 will be net zero. Net zero refers to achieving a balance between the amount of greenhouse gas emitted and the amount removed from the atmosphere. There are two different routes to achieving net zero, which work in tandem: reducing existing emissions and actively removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

There is a growing movement of companies and organisations which have declared their own net zero emissions’ targets – especially for carbon dioxide. Many of these have set dates prior to 2050, some even as soon as 2025.

Reducing carbon dioxide emissions has many benefits as well as environmental: for example, energy efficiency measures reduce carbon dioxide emissions which in turn reduce energy use, leading to cheaper bills and increased cost-savings.

Calculating your company’s emissions and identifying corrective measures can be a complex and even baffling task for companies, especially if there’s no in-house sustainability expertise. This is where SHIFT can make the whole exercise easy for you. Using our bespoke tools and calculators, we put your operational carbon dioxide emissions under the microscope and produce a detailed road map outlining the measures necessary to achieve 2050 Net Zero compliance. For extra detail, we can also carry out EPC analysis, budget costings and if you want to understand the calculations that underpin the SAP/EPC rating, we provide RdSAP awareness training.

We carry out a comprehensive carbon impact assessment of Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions across the organisation’s activities including:

  • Housing stock

  • Fleet Vehicles

  • Office buildings

  • Colleague Travel

  • Other Assets

Reasons why SHIFT can make your carbon road mapping simple:

  • Our team has over 15 years experience of calculating and reporting energy use, carbon emissions, and environmental performance, and we have developed bespoke tools for doing this efficiently and with minimum fuss.

  • We all have Chartered Environmentalist status with the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) or are working towards this accreditation.

  • We have carried out environmental reporting for many other standards e.g. Code for Sustainable Homes, BREEAM and Heat Metering Regulations so we understand the best way to present reports and standards.

  • SHIFT is an independent company, not aligned to any commercial body. The information and advice we provide is reliable and represents the true situation.

 Read more about our road map work

Talk to us today about leading your company to net zero