Nov 22, 2019

Sustainability and Value For Money

At our recent SHIFT event entitled, “Sustainability and Value For Money”, we heard from specialist speakers who highlighted the financial benefits to social landlords from pursuing environmental strategies. Representatives from 18 housing associations managing over 500,000 homes attended and shared their experiences. A short summary of the event is downloadable from here. The key finding was that there are significant financial benefits to landlords come from new technologies, new finance mechanisms and savings from better management. Examples we heard included:

  • insight into the interlinking relationship between environmental protection and value for money by demonstrating how millions of pounds of savings can be realised through developing and implementing a robust environmental strategy

  • the huge financial and environmental improvements that can be made through the better management and design of heat networks. A technical review of eight heat networks resulted in a 20% reduction in gas consumption and 1500 tonnes of CO2 emissions saved

  • creating more green spaces to help communities develop, grow and thrive but also result in environmental improvements and a reduction in maintenance costs

  • installation of solar and battery storage systems at no cost to the social landlord. Residents will have lower energy bills and landlords will also receive a management fee from. The energy efficiency of homes will also significantly rise offering additional benefits to both landlord and resident

  • new build trials to respond to the renewable and low carbon heating requirements in Scotland. Significant environmental and financial cost savings are anticipated using techniques such as off-site modular build and a novel finance mechanism

For all the environmental improvements, financial savings and contact details, download the findings from the event here. The financial benefits should aid your organisation in developing and maintaining a strong environmental position and strategy for the future.


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