
SECR Reporting – SHIFT roundtable session

SECR Reporting – SHIFT roundtable session

This roundtable session took place on the 21st March 2022, and included social landlords representing over 60,000 UK homes. The key points of discussion were: Reporting guidelines Data requirements Benefits of SECR reporting What is SECR SECR stands for Streamlined...

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Funding net zero – a thought piece

Funding net zero – a thought piece

The cost of transforming our homes to net zero is going to be huge.  One estimate puts the cost of getting all English housing association homes to net zero at ~£60bn.  For context, the present Government has pledged £3.8bn over 10 years for decarbonising social...

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Decent Homes Review – SHIFT Environment response

Decent Homes Review – SHIFT Environment response

The Department of Levelling Up invited us to comment on their review of the Decent Homes Standard so far and here’s a summary of our response. As a team of professional environmentalists, we carry out annual environmental assessments for around 60 UK social...

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Net Zero carbon roadmap – SHIFT roundtable session

Net Zero carbon roadmap – SHIFT roundtable session

This SHIFT roundtable session took place on the 15th March 2022 and included social landlords representing tens of thousands of UK homes. The summary focuses primarily on points raised during the roundtable discussion. A more comprehensive guide to decarbonisation can...

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Random list of environmental stuff

Random list of environmental stuff

For a recent project we had to include some lists of environmental issues facing the UK.  It’s a bit of a random collection, but there are some interesting nuggets in there. Extra rainfall Depending on which forecasting model you use and what may or may not happen to...

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UK Hydrogen Strategy- hydrogen for heat in buildings

UK Hydrogen Strategy- hydrogen for heat in buildings

The release of the UK’s first Hydrogen Strategy details the key steps the UK is taking to deliver the ‘promise’ hydrogen makes for decarbonisation. The UK is aiming to drive progress throughout the 2020s to deliver a 5GW hydrogen production ambition by 2030,...

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How good are flood risk assessments?

How good are flood risk assessments?

Flood events are horrible experiences for everyone affected.  The disruption during the flood event and the long clean-up after the event are stressful periods.  Whilst planning rules generally reduce risks for new homes, there remains the issue of what to do about...

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Leadership and Sustainability in Housing

Leadership and Sustainability in Housing

Our friends at Greenacre Group have highlighted the connections between leadership skills and the sustainability agenda.  Here’s what they wrote. As social housing providers get to grips with climate change and endeavour to drive forward sustainable solutions to the...

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6 financial opportunities climate change could bring

6 financial opportunities climate change could bring

The impacts of climate change are clear (flood risk, overheating risk, food and water security).  Forthcoming regulations [1] will require organisations to evaluate and mitigate the risks that climate change presents to their operations.  However, the regulations will...

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Hands on in Swindon – practical retrofit

Hands on in Swindon – practical retrofit

It’s great to have a strategic knowledge of how to get a sustainable housing stock.  At SHIFT we’re also keen to keep up to date with the practical side of retrofit.  How big is a heat pump?  Where does the ducting on MVHR go?  How thick is internal wall insulation?...

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FREE to UK social landlords – social portal for ESG

FREE to UK social landlords – social portal for ESG

Background We have launched the SHIFT “social” section which is FREE to all UK social landlords.  The aim of this blog is to a) explain the extent of our involvement on the “S” part of ESG reporting and b) to suggest new, meaningful placemaking metrics. SHIFT delivers...

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8 reasons to do environmental post-occupancy evaluation

8 reasons to do environmental post-occupancy evaluation

Many social landlords and other building owners are carrying out or planning energy efficiency improvement work to their housing and building stock. It’s one thing to make the improvements, but it’s another to ensure that they actually reduce environmental impacts....

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Carbon pricing for building owners

Carbon pricing for building owners

Over the past year, we’ve had some SHIFT landlords asking about internal carbon pricing and how it can be used to help decarbonise social housing. We’ve done the research for you and summarised below. What is carbon pricing? Carbon pricing can be used to recognise...

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