Leadership and Sustainability in Housing

Leadership and Sustainability in Housing

Our friends at Greenacre Group have highlighted the connections between leadership skills and the sustainability agenda.  Here’s what they wrote. As social housing providers get to grips with climate change and endeavour to drive forward sustainable solutions to the...
6 financial opportunities climate change could bring

6 financial opportunities climate change could bring

The impacts of climate change are clear (flood risk, overheating risk, food and water security).  Forthcoming regulations [1] will require organisations to evaluate and mitigate the risks that climate change presents to their operations.  However, the regulations will...
IPCC climate warning – what next?

IPCC climate warning – what next?

The IPCC’s [1] latest report made the headlines a few weeks ago.  The report confirmed that climate change is real, it presents adverse effects to us all and it is caused by human activity.  For environmental professionals this is hardly news, but it is good to see...