SHIFT, the environmental reporting and accreditation scheme for social landlords, has a new home! Suss Housing is the new company that delivers SHIFT, which has been running since 2008.
The reboot-ed SHIFT comes at a crucial time. The UK Parliament has declared a Climate Change emergency and there are many other legal and policy signals indicating the direction of travel. Reporting on environmental performance is even more critical because formal reporting eventually leads to improvement.
It’s important to remember the reasons for environmental protection. We protect our environment so that our environment can provide long term benefits to us as humans. Food production, water security, clean air, building materials, flood protection, summer cooling and recreational benefits are all things necessary for our long term wellbeing.
If compliance and the long term wellbeing of humans weren’t enough of a business case for environmental protection, then it is encouraging to know that pursuing environmental strategies also generates new cash for landlords. Quick paybacks using new technologies and emerging finance arrangements all contribute to the bottom line.

The SHIFT assessment and reporting will continue in the robust manner it always has done. We report to best reporting guidelines using efficient methodologies which are bespoke for the social housing sector.
Coming soon:
• Updates and guidance on the financial benefits of improving environmental performance
• Long term wellbeing updates and environmental protection
• New versions of SHIFT – for those who want to try before you buy and for smaller social landlords
To stay in touch, please sign up and updates will be announced soon.
If you are a social landlord and wish to know more about SHIFT and how it can help compliance, please get in touch on [email protected]