
natural harmony in danger

natural harmony in danger

The current state of the environment is in a bad way currently, with biodiversity being shown to have significantly decreased over the last 50 years. ‘As a result, the UK is now one of the most nature-depleted countries on Earth’ according to the ‘State of Nature’...

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The Energy Bill, On The Cusp of Change

The Energy Bill, On The Cusp of Change

  The new ‘Energy Bill’, previously, the Energy Security Bill, looks at reforming the 10-year-old Energy Act (2013). This is to get the legislation up to speed with not only current technology, but the needs of consumers and businesses alike. The bill has reached...

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can air travel be sustainable?

can air travel be sustainable?

Right now, air travel contributes to global CO2 emissions and even more flights are projected.  One way to cut emissions would be to get people to fly less. But sometimes this is a hard ask for businesses that consider flying essential and, families wanting holidays...

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Using drones for biodiversity measurement

Using drones for biodiversity measurement

Drones, or to give them their technical title, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), are a rapidly advancing, versatile technology that is already having a major impact on a variety of sectors. Asher, one of our SHIFT Environmental Assessors, undertook research...

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SHIFT impact

SHIFT impact

At SHIFT we work hard to deliver impactful environmental reporting. We want to make sure that our reports provide clients with the information they need to make environmental improvements. We like to understand what is particularly useful and informative to each...

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A CO2 IT system for construction companies – our thoughts

A CO2 IT system for construction companies – our thoughts

We’ve had some queries lately from construction companies looking to report their scope 1,2 and 3 CO2 emissions. Specifically, they have been after an “off the shelf system” that they could simply plug data in to as an when they have it and then the system would churn...

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“Happiness by numbers” – book launch event success

“Happiness by numbers” – book launch event success

It was great to see so many people and from such a variety of backgrounds at the event to celebrate the launch of the book “Happiness by numbers”.  Part of this variety would surely be because everyone wants to be happy, don’t they?  On top of that, in the commercial...

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Happiness, placemaking and asset management

Happiness, placemaking and asset management

The National Housing Maintenance Forum (NHMF) recently asked us to write our thoughts on how asset management and residents’ wellbeing may develop in the near future. Here’s what we wrote: Talking about “happiness” in an NHMF blog may seem a bit of an odd subject...

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Dynamis solar PV – just the right size

Dynamis solar PV – just the right size

At a recent National Housing Federation (NHF) event we met with fellow “sector supplier” Dynamis.  As we know that NHF do a rigorous check on who they classify as a sector supplier we were very pleased to meet them.  We found that they are a solar PV installer firm...

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Levelling up metrics – the glaring gap

Levelling up metrics – the glaring gap

UK Government’s Levelling Up agenda aims to give ‘everyone the opportunity to flourish'. This “people” focussed aim seems to align with other emerging trends:  examples include “placemaking” [1], social value, wellbeing and the “S” part of ESG.  Whilst this is a...

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Water efficiency targets for UK housing

Water efficiency targets for UK housing

The UK has been busy establishing domestic water efficiency targets to prepare ourselves for climate change. Here’s a quick review. England The government has recently released its latest water efficiency policy paper for England [1]. Several objectives have been...

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How can digital tech support healthy homes?

How can digital tech support healthy homes?

Coastline Housing in Cornwall has collaborated on a research and innovation project called Smartline, which has included the installation of smart sensors in some of their homes. We asked Smartline to share the details of their interesting and pertinent project: How...

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