For various reasons, including our carbon footprint, we decided on a staycation this year. The accommodation was our own home and no long car journeys or plane rides were involved. We “visited” 5 countries, had a couple of ‘resort days’, (i.e. chill out and mooch about locally), experienced international cuisine and activities and had a very lovely time. Our accommodation was first class, as was the service, we knew what to expect and we got it. It was a winner and some of our friends have been inspired to do it too!
We live in Stroud, Gloucestershire, so we looked to our local area for inspiration and we went all over the world!
Greek Day – Water sports by the ‘sea’ – 1.5 tonnes saved[1]
After a breakfast of yoghurts, nuts, seeds, honey and fruit we headed off to Cotswold Water Park to enjoy water sports and a picnic ‘at the seaside’. We had windsurfing, paddle boarding and swimming to choose from followed by a lovely Greek salad bursting with juicy tomatoes, olives and feta cheese. In the evening dined out at a great Greek restaurant at Gloucester Quays, where we started our evening with ouzo cocktails by the water.
Spanish Day – A walk and tour of a ‘Spanish’ Vineyard – 0.78 tonnes saved
Starting the day by making homemade churros and chocolate sauce was fun, delicious and set up us nicely for a relaxing morning reading in our sunny garden. Lunch was fajitas eaten al fresco (Mexico’s not far from Spain is it?) followed by a stunning 2 ½ hour walk across the Cotswold Way to Woodchester Vineyard, where we had a lovely and informative time and a taxi ride home where a film and Sangria awaited us.
Tyrol Day– Walking in the Alps – 0.78 tonnes saved
The highest part of the Cotswold Way is particularly craggy so that served as the Alps today. We’d had a breakfast of salad, cheese and yoghurt and were soon ready for our picnic with fantastic views. The huge cows we saw completed the landscape for us.
Canadian Day – Paddling a Canadian Canoe – 3.22 tonnes saved
It had to be crispy bacon, maple syrup and pancakes today, before we set off nice and early to Ross-on-Wye to paddle a Canadian canoe. We’d already had to rearrange this day due to the river being swollen and unsafe after huge downpours of rain (climate change?). We stopped on the way in the Forest of Dean in the hope of seeing beavers in a trial they are running there. I‘m pretty sure I saw the back end of one! We enjoyed a sunny afternoon canoeing and saw kingfishers and an egret. We’re told that chips, cheese and gravy is really quite Canadian and we enjoyed it at home in the evening.
English, Cotswolds Day – Stroud farmers market and local walk. – 0 tonnes saved
Stroud market is on every Saturday, is amazing and is literally right on our doorstep, so this had to be one of our destinations. We had our breakfast there and bought lots of treaty goodies, including goats cheese, gin chorizo, local honey and hot tomato salsa for our walk and picnic later on that day.
So there you have it, lots of experiences from around the world right on our doorstep and still a great holiday. Plus, a “tongue in cheek” 6 tonnes of carbon saved.
We don’t book holidays, but we do environmental reporting. Get in touch if you have a query: [email protected]

[1] We used an online calculator for two people flying between London and the capital city of each country