Post-Occupancy Evaluation

Our approach is scientific, practical and independent.

For both new-build and refurbishments, SHIFT can monitor energy and water use plus a range of other environmental features, analysing how practical operation meets design intent.


Sometimes POE is needed for planning permission purposes, especially when authorities want verification that new build schemes are delivering the environmental performance promised at the design stage.

At other times, developers and refurbishers want to see that their practical work schemes have resulted in actual environmental improvements.  The purpose can often be to provide evidence to clients plus give recommendations about how to improve their services and products.

We are experienced in monitoring and comparing performance against design intent.  We can help you choose the right monitoring processes and comply with client requests.  We have also carried out post-occupancy evaluations for BREEAM projects.

Here’s an example of one of our POE projects 

Talk to us today about your requirements for post-occupancy evaluation