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Funding net zero
Landlords representing ~200,000 homes and investors representing £40bn investment, broadly thought this funding mechanism has many advantages for them and for Government.

EV Roundtable Summary
A summary document to highlight the issues discussed and identify common approaches that attendees are currently applying to combat the task of EV integration.

Sustainable Procurement Guide
A guide derived from a collaborative sustainable procurement session with social landlords across the UK. Explore key insights and best practices, for navigating sustainable procurement in the diverse landscape of social housing.

Happiness by Numbers
The science of wellbeing measurement and how to include environmental protection. Ideal for placemaking strategies and the “S” part of ESG reporting.

Developing a climate resilience standard for social landlords
Key findings from the climate resilience roundtable hosted by SHIFT with social landlords across the UK.

SECR Reporting Roundtable Summary

Net Zero Carbon Roadmap Roundtable Summary

Developing an Environmental Strategy for Social Landlords Roundtable Summary

Building to EPC A Roundtable Summary

Housing 2050
Published 2018.

Touching the voids

The Review

SHIFT response to ESG White Paper

SHIFT Overheating risk assessment tool

SHIFT Framework 2020