Jul 27, 2023

SHIFT impact

Some of the SHIFT team

At SHIFT we work hard to deliver impactful environmental reporting. We want to make sure that our reports provide clients with the information they need to make environmental improvements.

We like to understand what is particularly useful and informative to each client, as our clients don’t all operate the same type of business, have the same issues to deal with or indeed have the same visions or goals to reach.

As a result, when we finish a project, we ask all our clients the following couple of questions:

  1. On a scale of 0 – 10, how much has and/or will the project completed with SHIFT contribute towards environmental improvements in your organisation? (0 being no influence and 10 being fundamental to the improvements)
  2. Would you recommend SHIFT / SHIFT Services to other organisation’s looking to complete a similar project?

It is very pleasing to note that our average score for influence is 8.4 and a resounding 100% “Yes” for recommending us to other organisations!

We also ask for feedback and testimonials, which are great to receive and we are proud to share some of the testimonials we have received so far this year:

‘‘SHIFT recently calculated LHP’s carbon impacts from our operations which included our Scope 3 emissions. We now have a roadmap to support carbon reductions, as well as make environmental improvements across our organisation. We always gain a lot of useful insight from working with Richard and the team’’ – Libby Kerman, Sustainability Manager, Lincolnshire Housing Partnership

You have been very efficient and cost effective.” – Dr Kat Bristol, Cam & Uley Family GP Practice

‘‘B3Living have been working with SHIFT for many years and have been improving our environmental performance year upon year. The metrics and recommendations provided from the SHIFT assessments have informed the creation of our NZC Action Plan, that involves all teams across our organisation in reducing our carbon footprint. The annual SHIFT assessments are a streamlined and informative process, during this year’s assessment when some last-minute data was collected, Megan was happy to run through the data and amend the report for us.’’ – Mat Allen, Strategic Analyst, B3Living

“SHIFT assisted Citizen in the development of our sustainability strategy. It was lovely to work with Katie to realise our sustainability vision. It will be so vital in driving sustainable improvements across our organisation.” – John Kyffin-Hughes, Environmental and Sustainability Manager, Citizen Housing

SHIFT provided Golding Homes with an environmental baseline and helped us to better understand where improvements can be made. Being able to benchmark ourselves against other housing providers was particularly valuable.” – Lucy Breeze, Sustainability Manager, Golding Homes

“Richard led an enjoyable sustainability workshop with our team. It contributed greatly to our understanding of where sustainability data is going in our sector and provided excellent food for thought for future product development so we can help our clients manage their housing stock for a sustainable future.” – Andy Key, MD of PIMSS Data Systems Ltd


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