Average long term UK personal wellbeing has increased to 84.58% compared to 83.69% when we monitored it 3 months ago. But there are some data caveats:
Air quality has improved slightly, but not as dramatically as some news reports maintain. It’s quite a messy picture – please see the chart below which compares the last 12 months with a similar period the previous year. These are Defra’s Daily Air Quality Index figures averaged over all regions and there is no clear, sudden improvement after the coronavirus lockdown was announced on 23rd March 2020. (A DAQI above 3 indicates poor air quality).
UK national CO2 emissions down from 5.3 tonnes per capita to 5.2 tonnes per capita – these figures are pre-coronavirus due to time lags in reporting.
Social connection increased to 93.9% compared to previous 86.1% – but this is due to a change in measure and is also pre-coronavirus.
Self-esteem increased to 36.10% compared to 35.79% – again pre-coronavirus figure due to data collection lag.
Security against crime decreased to 91.11% from 91.12% – latest data only up to end of March 2020 No change.
The following datasets have not been updated this quarter:
Water security
Food security